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BFS and DFS appications


two coloring graphs

build an algorithm to know if a graph can be colored (vertex) with only two colors without conflicts using only two colors (BFS)




colors []string bipartite = true

  • iterate through all the vertex
    • check that the current has not been visited
      • assign white to the current vertex
    • run a bfs and in every edge processing
      • check if the color of both vertex is different
        • if true then assign the opposite color
        • if false then the graph is not bipartite

func getOpositeColor(a colors) colors {
	if a == WHITE {
		return BLACK
	return WHITE

func isValidColoring(a int, b int, colors *[]colors) (bool, error) {
	if (*colors)[a] == (*colors)[b] {
		return false, errors.New("SAME COLOR")
	if (*colors)[b] == "" {
		(*colors)[b] = getOpositeColor((*colors)[a])
	return true, nil

func (G *GraphAL) IsBipartite() bool {
	if G.size < 1 {
		return true
	bipartite := true
	visited := make([]bool, G.size)
	colors := make([]colors, G.size)
	start := G.vectors[0]
	for _, vector := range G.vectors {
		if !visited[vector.index] && bipartite {

			colors[vector.index] = WHITE // default if the vector has not been visited
			G.BFS(start, func(a *GraphVector, b *GraphVector) {
				visited[a.index] = true
				visited[b.index] = true
				if _, err := isValidColoring(a.index, b.index, &colors); err != nil {
					bipartite = false

	return bipartite

hasCycle (undirected)

parent [] *Vector

  • we need to run dfs
  • mark the start parent as itself
  • in the process edge step we need to check if the edge vector is not equal to the parent and check that the vector has no parent
    • if true continue
    • if false then there is a cycle
func (G *GraphAL) HasCycle() bool {
	if G.size < 1 {
		return false
	parent := make([]*GraphVector, G.size)
	visited := make([]bool, G.size)
	cycle := false
	for _, vector := range G.vectors {
		if !visited[vector.index] {
			parent[vector.index] = vector
			G.BFS(vector, func(gv1, gv2 *GraphVector) {
				visited[gv1.index] = true
				if !validParent(gv1, gv2, &parent) {
					cycle = true
	return cycle

quick optimization (add vectors)

instead of doing a linear search for the vector, we add the index in the vector itself or update the index according to the position to where it will be saved

type GraphVector struct {
	val   interface{}
	key   int
	edges linkedList.SentinelList
	index int // add new field
func (G *GraphAL) addToVectors(vector *GraphVector) int {
	if vectorIFrom := G.getVectorIndex(vector); vectorIFrom > -1 {
		return vectorIFrom
	} else {

		G.vectors = append(G.vectors, vector)
		vector.index = G.size
		return len(G.vectors) - 1

for example here we just use the Vector.index prop to get the correct position, instead of searching each time this reduces the previous time of O(V^2 + E) to O(V + E)


counter := 0 visited *Vector reversed

  • we reverse the graph
  • call times() to get the sink in the reversed graph
  • iterate through the original graph vectors starting with the first element of the counter function, with this we get the reversed sinks, but we run dfs on the original graph
  • run graph.times() to get the counters, with the counters we’ll get the ‘sinks’ if we use a stack then we process the first element (stack.pop())
    • we run a dfs starting with the popped stack element
    • increase the counter, counter++, this will be after we finish the dfs

// connected.go

func (G *GraphAL) StronglyConnectedComponents() int {

	postorderVectors := G.TimesDfsVectors()
	counter := 0

	visited := make([]bool, G.size)
	for i := G.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		vector := postorderVectors[i]
		if !visited[vector.index] {

			G.dfsWithCallback(vector, &visited, func(gv *GraphVector) {}, func(gv *GraphVector) {

	return counter


here we get 5 stronglyconnected5

here we get 1 stronglyconnected1

here we get 7 stronglyconnected7


count the number of steps with DFS, meaning every vector will have a start and end time, start = first time process, end when you have processed all of it’s neighbors

times [][]int visited []bool counter int

  • run DFS on all the vectors
  • times[current][0] = counter
  • counter++
  • on the late processing do the same but in the end
  • times[current][0] = counter
  • counter++




// counter.go

func (G *GraphAL) TimesDfs() []time {
	if G.size < 1 {
		return nil
	times := make([]time, G.size)
	visited := make([]bool, G.size)
	counter := 1
	for _, vector := range G.vectors {

		if !visited[vector.index] {
			G.DfsWithCallback(vector, func(a *GraphVector) {
				times[a.index].start = counter
			}, func(a *GraphVector) {
				times[a.index].end = counter
			}, &visited)
	return times

reverse (BFS)

  • we need to arrays
  • visited // to not re-visit vectors
  • parents // to not re-reverse edges, a vector can have multiple parents
  • we need to go through all the edges of the current vector
  • we will switch the direction of the edges
    • check if the current child is not equal to one parent, this means that we already reversed this edge
      • if true omit this step
      • if false
        • update the parent parent[to].append(from)
        • this means vector[from] = to will be vector[to] = from
        • and we add “to” to the queue

note that we return bool in the bfs callback this is to omit the traversal if invalid parent vectors


func (G *GraphAL) reverseEdges(a, b *GraphVector) {
	G.Edge(b, a)

	a.edges.PopFront() // remove the connection
package graphs

func (G *GraphAL) reverseEdges(a, b *GraphVector) {
	G.Edge(b, a)

	a.edges.PopFront() // remove the connection

func (G *GraphAL) validParent(parents [][]*GraphVector, a, b *GraphVector) bool {
	for _, val := range parents[a.index] {
		if val == b {
			return false
	return true

func (GD *GraphDirected) Reverse(G *GraphAL) {

	if G.size < 1 {

	parents := make([][]*GraphVector, G.size)

	for _, vector := range G.vectors {

		parents[vector.index] = append(parents[vector.index], vector)
		G.BFS(vector, func(parent, currentV *GraphVector) bool {
			if G.validParent(parents, parent, currentV) {
				parents[currentV.index] = append(parents[currentV.index], parent) // we update the parent to not re-reverse
				G.reverseEdges(parent, currentV)

				return true
			// to save some time we return true if the neighbor is invalid and we this we same time omiting that vector
			return false


## complete code

// adjlist.go

package graphs

import (
	linkedList "goudemy/linkedList/lib"

type colors string

type time struct {
	start int
	end   int

const (

func NewGraphVectorAL() *GraphAL {
	return &GraphAL{
		vectors: []*GraphVector{},

func (G *GraphAL) getVectorIndex(vector *GraphVector) int {

	for index, val := range G.vectors {
		if val.key == vector.key {
			return index
	return -1

func (G *GraphAL) addToVectors(vector *GraphVector) int {
	if vectorIFrom := G.getVectorIndex(vector); vectorIFrom > -1 {
		return vectorIFrom
	} else {

		G.vectors = append(G.vectors, vector)
		vector.index = G.size
		return len(G.vectors) - 1

func (G *GraphAL) Insert(vector *GraphVector) {
	if vector == nil {
	vector.edges = *linkedList.NewSentinelList() // clear


func (G *GraphAL) edgeUndirected(from *GraphVector, to *GraphVector) {
	if from == nil || to == nil {
	fromI := G.getVectorIndex(from)
	toI := G.getVectorIndex(to)
	if fromI < 0 || toI < 0 {
	// already exist omit
	if exist := G.vectors[fromI].edges.Find(to); exist > -1 {
	if exist := G.vectors[toI].edges.Find(fromI); exist > -1 {



func (G *GraphDirected) Edge(graph *GraphAL, from *GraphVector, to *GraphVector) {

	if from == nil || to == nil {
	fromI := from.index
	toI := to.index

	if fromI < 0 || toI < 0 {
	// already exist omit
	if exist := graph.vectors[fromI].edges.Find(to); exist > -1 {



func (G *GraphAL) Edge(from *GraphVector, to *GraphVector) {
	if G.graphType == nil {
		G.edgeUndirected(from, to)
	G.graphType.Edge(G, from, to)

func (G *GraphAL) dfs(current *GraphVector, visited *[]bool, cb func(*GraphVector)) {
	vectorIndex := current.index
	if (*visited)[vectorIndex] {

	(*visited)[vectorIndex] = true

	edges := G.vectors[vectorIndex].edges
	p := edges.FrontNode()

	for p != nil && p.Val() != nil {
		vector := p.Val().(*GraphVector)
		if !(*visited)[vector.index] {
			G.dfs(vector, visited, cb)
		p = p.Next()
	// process vector


func (G *GraphAL) dfsWithCallback(current *GraphVector, visited *[]bool, cbVectorEarly func(*GraphVector), cbVectorLate func(*GraphVector)) {
	vectorIndex := current.index
	if (*visited)[vectorIndex] {

	(*visited)[vectorIndex] = true

	edges := G.vectors[vectorIndex].edges
	p := edges.FrontNode()

	for p != nil && p.Val() != nil {
		vector := p.Val().(*GraphVector)
		if !(*visited)[vector.index] {
			G.dfsWithCallback(vector, visited, cbVectorEarly, cbVectorLate)
		p = p.Next()
	// process vector

func (G *GraphAL) Dfs(start *GraphVector, cb func(*GraphVector)) {
	if G.size < 1 {
	visited := make([]bool, len(G.vectors))

	index := start.index
	if index < 0 {

	G.dfs(start, &visited, cb)


func (G *GraphAL) DfsWithCallback(start *GraphVector, cbVectorEarly func(a *GraphVector), cbVectorLate func(a *GraphVector), visited *[]bool) {
	if visited == nil {
		v := make([]bool, len(G.vectors))
		visited = &v
	index := start.index
	if index < 0 {
	G.dfsWithCallback(G.vectors[index], visited, cbVectorEarly, cbVectorLate)

func (G *GraphAL) DfsIterative(start *GraphVector) {
	visited := make([]bool, G.size)

	stack := []*GraphVector{start}
	visited[start.index] = true
	for len(stack) > 0 {
		current := stack[len(stack)-1]
		vector := current.edges.FrontNode()

		for vector != nil && vector.Val() != nil {

			vectorIndex := vector.Val().(*GraphVector).index
			if !visited[vectorIndex] {
				stack = append(stack, vector.Val().(*GraphVector))
				visited[vectorIndex] = true
				vector = G.vectors[vectorIndex].edges.FrontNode()
			} else {
				vector = vector.Next()
		// the stack will perform like a recursive call
		// process vector
		stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]

func ProcessEdges(start *GraphVector, end *GraphVector) {
	fmt.Println(start, end)

func (G *GraphAL) BFS(start *GraphVector, cbEdges func(*GraphVector, *GraphVector) bool) {
	if G.size < 1 {

	queue := []*GraphVector{start}
	visited := make([]bool, G.size)

	for len(queue) > 0 {
		vector := queue[0]
		vectorI := vector.index
		queue = queue[1:]
		current := vector.edges.FrontNode()
		visited[vectorI] = true
		// process vector
		for current != nil && current.Val() != nil {
			currentI := current.Val().(*GraphVector).index

			if !visited[currentI] && cbEdges(vector, current.Val().(*GraphVector)) {
				queue = append(queue, current.Val().(*GraphVector))
				visited[currentI] = true
			current = current.Next()


func getOpositeColor(a colors) colors {
	if a == WHITE {
		return BLACK
	return WHITE

func isValidColoring(a int, b int, colors *[]colors) (bool, error) {
	if (*colors)[a] == (*colors)[b] {
		return false, errors.New("SAME COLOR")
	if (*colors)[b] == "" {
		(*colors)[b] = getOpositeColor((*colors)[a])
	return true, nil

func (G *GraphAL) IsBipartite() bool {
	if G.size < 1 {
		return true
	bipartite := true
	visited := make([]bool, G.size)
	colors := make([]colors, G.size)
	start := G.vectors[0]
	for _, vector := range G.vectors {
		if !visited[vector.index] && bipartite {

			colors[vector.index] = WHITE // default if the vector has not been visited
			G.BFS(start, func(a *GraphVector, b *GraphVector) bool {
				visited[a.index] = true
				visited[b.index] = true
				if _, err := isValidColoring(a.index, b.index, &colors); err != nil {
					bipartite = false
				return true

	return bipartite

func validParent(a *GraphVector, b *GraphVector, parent *[]*GraphVector) bool {

	if (*parent)[b.index] == nil {
		(*parent)[b.index] = a
		return true
	if (*parent)[a.index] == b {
		return true

	return false

func (G *GraphAL) TimesDfs() []time {
	if G.size < 1 {
		return nil
	times := make([]time, G.size)
	visited := make([]bool, G.size)
	counter := 1
	for _, vector := range G.vectors {

		if !visited[vector.index] {
			G.DfsWithCallback(vector, func(a *GraphVector) {
				times[a.index].start = counter
			}, func(a *GraphVector) {
				times[a.index].end = counter
			}, &visited)
	return times

func (G *GraphAL) TimesDfsVectors() []*GraphVector {
	if G.size < 1 {
		return nil
	vectors := []*GraphVector{}
	visited := make([]bool, G.size)

	for _, vector := range G.vectors {

		if !visited[vector.index] {
			G.DfsWithCallback(vector, func(_ *GraphVector) {
			}, func(a *GraphVector) {
				vectors = append(vectors, a)
			}, &visited)
	return vectors

func (G *GraphAL) HasCycle() bool {
	if G.size < 1 {
		return false
	parent := make([]*GraphVector, G.size)
	visited := make([]bool, G.size)
	cycle := false
	for _, vector := range G.vectors {
		if !visited[vector.index] {
			parent[vector.index] = vector
			G.BFS(vector, func(gv1, gv2 *GraphVector) bool {
				visited[gv1.index] = true
				if !validParent(gv1, gv2, &parent) {
					cycle = true
				return true
	return cycle

func (G *GraphAL) Size() int {
	return G.size

func (G *GraphAL) GraphType(t GraphTypeInterface) {
	G.graphType = t

func (G *GraphAL) Reverse() {
	if G.graphType == nil {

// connected.go

package graphs

func (G *GraphAL) reverseEdges(a, b *GraphVector) {
	G.Edge(b, a)

	a.edges.PopFront() // remove the connection

func (G *GraphAL) validParent(parents [][]*GraphVector, a, b *GraphVector) bool {
	for _, val := range parents[a.index] {
		if val == b {
			return false
	return true

func (GD *GraphDirected) Reverse(G *GraphAL) {

	if G.size < 1 {
	visited := make([]bool, G.size)
	parents := make([][]*GraphVector, G.size)

	for _, vector := range G.vectors {
		if !visited[vector.index] {
			parents[vector.index] = append(parents[vector.index], vector)
			G.BFS(vector, func(parent, currentV *GraphVector) bool {
				if G.validParent(parents, parent, currentV) {
					parents[currentV.index] = append(parents[currentV.index], parent) // we update the parent to not re-reverse
					G.reverseEdges(parent, currentV)

					return true
				// to save some time we return true if the neighbor is invalid and we this we same time omiting that vector
				return false


func (G *GraphAL) StronglyConnectedComponents() int {

	postorderVectors := G.TimesDfsVectors()
	counter := 0

	visited := make([]bool, G.size)
	for i := G.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		vector := postorderVectors[i]
		if !visited[vector.index] {

			G.dfsWithCallback(vector, &visited, func(gv *GraphVector) {}, func(gv *GraphVector) {

	return counter


package graphs

import (
	linkedList "goudemy/linkedList/lib"

type GraphVector struct {
	val   interface{}
	key   int
	edges linkedList.SentinelList
	index int

type GraphAL struct {
	vectors   []*GraphVector
	size      int
	graphType GraphTypeInterface

type GraphAM struct {
	edges   [][]int
	vectors []*GraphVector
	size    int
type GraphTypeInterface interface {
	// new vector connected to a Vector, returns the new Vector
	Edge(*GraphAL, *GraphVector, *GraphVector)

type GraphDirected struct {
type GraphInterface interface {
	Size() int
	Edge(*GraphVector, *GraphVector)
	Dfs(*GraphVector, func(*GraphVector))
	BFS(*GraphVector, func(*GraphVector, *GraphVector) bool)
	IsBipartite() bool
	TimesDfs() []time
	HasCycle() bool
	StronglyConnectedComponents() int

type Graph struct {
	size      int
	GraphType GraphTypeInterface

func NewVector(key int, val interface{}) *GraphVector {
	return &GraphVector{key: key, val: val}

func (G *Graph) Size() int {
	return G.size