BFS and DFS appications
two coloring graphs
build an algorithm to know if a graph can be colored (vertex) with only two colors without conflicts using only two colors (BFS)
colors []string bipartite = true
- iterate through all the vertex
- check that the current has not been visited
- assign white to the current vertex
- run a bfs and in every edge processing
- check if the color of both vertex is different
- if true then assign the opposite color
- if false then the graph is not bipartite
- check if the color of both vertex is different
- check that the current has not been visited
func getOpositeColor(a colors) colors {
if a == WHITE {
return BLACK
return WHITE
func isValidColoring(a int, b int, colors *[]colors) (bool, error) {
if (*colors)[a] == (*colors)[b] {
return false, errors.New("SAME COLOR")
if (*colors)[b] == "" {
(*colors)[b] = getOpositeColor((*colors)[a])
return true, nil
func (G *GraphAL) IsBipartite() bool {
if G.size < 1 {
return true
bipartite := true
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
colors := make([]colors, G.size)
start := G.vectors[0]
for _, vector := range G.vectors {
if !visited[vector.index] && bipartite {
colors[vector.index] = WHITE // default if the vector has not been visited
G.BFS(start, func(a *GraphVector, b *GraphVector) {
visited[a.index] = true
visited[b.index] = true
if _, err := isValidColoring(a.index, b.index, &colors); err != nil {
bipartite = false
return bipartite
hasCycle (undirected)
parent [] *Vector
- we need to run dfs
- mark the start parent as itself
- in the process edge step we need to check if the edge vector is not equal to the parent and check that the vector has no parent
- if true continue
- if false then there is a cycle
func (G *GraphAL) HasCycle() bool {
if G.size < 1 {
return false
parent := make([]*GraphVector, G.size)
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
cycle := false
for _, vector := range G.vectors {
if !visited[vector.index] {
parent[vector.index] = vector
G.BFS(vector, func(gv1, gv2 *GraphVector) {
visited[gv1.index] = true
if !validParent(gv1, gv2, &parent) {
cycle = true
return cycle
quick optimization (add vectors)
instead of doing a linear search for the vector, we add the index in the vector itself or update the index according to the position to where it will be saved
type GraphVector struct {
val interface{}
key int
edges linkedList.SentinelList
index int // add new field
func (G *GraphAL) addToVectors(vector *GraphVector) int {
if vectorIFrom := G.getVectorIndex(vector); vectorIFrom > -1 {
return vectorIFrom
} else {
G.vectors = append(G.vectors, vector)
vector.index = G.size
return len(G.vectors) - 1
for example here we just use the Vector.index prop to get the correct position, instead of searching each time this reduces the previous time of O(V^2 + E) to O(V + E)
counter := 0 visited *Vector reversed
- we reverse the graph
- call times() to get the sink in the reversed graph
- iterate through the original graph vectors starting with the first element of the counter function, with this we get the reversed sinks, but we run dfs on the original graph
- run graph.times() to get the counters, with the counters we’ll get the ‘sinks’ if we use a stack then we process the first element (stack.pop())
- we run a dfs starting with the popped stack element
- increase the counter, counter++, this will be after we finish the dfs
// connected.go
func (G *GraphAL) StronglyConnectedComponents() int {
postorderVectors := G.TimesDfsVectors()
counter := 0
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
for i := G.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
vector := postorderVectors[i]
if !visited[vector.index] {
G.dfsWithCallback(vector, &visited, func(gv *GraphVector) {}, func(gv *GraphVector) {
return counter
here we get 5
here we get 1
here we get 7
count the number of steps with DFS, meaning every vector will have a start and end time, start = first time process, end when you have processed all of it’s neighbors
times [][]int visited []bool counter int
- run DFS on all the vectors
- times[current][0] = counter
- counter++
- on the late processing do the same but in the end
- times[current][0] = counter
- counter++
// counter.go
func (G *GraphAL) TimesDfs() []time {
if G.size < 1 {
return nil
times := make([]time, G.size)
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
counter := 1
for _, vector := range G.vectors {
if !visited[vector.index] {
G.DfsWithCallback(vector, func(a *GraphVector) {
times[a.index].start = counter
}, func(a *GraphVector) {
times[a.index].end = counter
}, &visited)
return times
reverse (BFS)
- we need to arrays
- visited // to not re-visit vectors
- parents // to not re-reverse edges, a vector can have multiple parents
- we need to go through all the edges of the current vector
- we will switch the direction of the edges
- check if the current child is not equal to one parent, this means that we already reversed this edge
- if true omit this step
- if false
- update the parent parent[to].append(from)
- this means vector[from] = to will be vector[to] = from
- and we add “to” to the queue
- check if the current child is not equal to one parent, this means that we already reversed this edge
note that we return bool in the bfs callback this is to omit the traversal if invalid parent vectors
func (G *GraphAL) reverseEdges(a, b *GraphVector) {
G.Edge(b, a)
a.edges.PopFront() // remove the connection
package graphs
func (G *GraphAL) reverseEdges(a, b *GraphVector) {
G.Edge(b, a)
a.edges.PopFront() // remove the connection
func (G *GraphAL) validParent(parents [][]*GraphVector, a, b *GraphVector) bool {
for _, val := range parents[a.index] {
if val == b {
return false
return true
func (GD *GraphDirected) Reverse(G *GraphAL) {
if G.size < 1 {
parents := make([][]*GraphVector, G.size)
for _, vector := range G.vectors {
parents[vector.index] = append(parents[vector.index], vector)
G.BFS(vector, func(parent, currentV *GraphVector) bool {
if G.validParent(parents, parent, currentV) {
parents[currentV.index] = append(parents[currentV.index], parent) // we update the parent to not re-reverse
G.reverseEdges(parent, currentV)
return true
// to save some time we return true if the neighbor is invalid and we this we same time omiting that vector
return false
## complete code
// adjlist.go
package graphs
import (
linkedList "goudemy/linkedList/lib"
type colors string
type time struct {
start int
end int
const (
func NewGraphVectorAL() *GraphAL {
return &GraphAL{
vectors: []*GraphVector{},
func (G *GraphAL) getVectorIndex(vector *GraphVector) int {
for index, val := range G.vectors {
if val.key == vector.key {
return index
return -1
func (G *GraphAL) addToVectors(vector *GraphVector) int {
if vectorIFrom := G.getVectorIndex(vector); vectorIFrom > -1 {
return vectorIFrom
} else {
G.vectors = append(G.vectors, vector)
vector.index = G.size
return len(G.vectors) - 1
func (G *GraphAL) Insert(vector *GraphVector) {
if vector == nil {
vector.edges = *linkedList.NewSentinelList() // clear
func (G *GraphAL) edgeUndirected(from *GraphVector, to *GraphVector) {
if from == nil || to == nil {
fromI := G.getVectorIndex(from)
toI := G.getVectorIndex(to)
if fromI < 0 || toI < 0 {
// already exist omit
if exist := G.vectors[fromI].edges.Find(to); exist > -1 {
if exist := G.vectors[toI].edges.Find(fromI); exist > -1 {
func (G *GraphDirected) Edge(graph *GraphAL, from *GraphVector, to *GraphVector) {
if from == nil || to == nil {
fromI := from.index
toI := to.index
if fromI < 0 || toI < 0 {
// already exist omit
if exist := graph.vectors[fromI].edges.Find(to); exist > -1 {
func (G *GraphAL) Edge(from *GraphVector, to *GraphVector) {
if G.graphType == nil {
G.edgeUndirected(from, to)
G.graphType.Edge(G, from, to)
func (G *GraphAL) dfs(current *GraphVector, visited *[]bool, cb func(*GraphVector)) {
vectorIndex := current.index
if (*visited)[vectorIndex] {
(*visited)[vectorIndex] = true
edges := G.vectors[vectorIndex].edges
p := edges.FrontNode()
for p != nil && p.Val() != nil {
vector := p.Val().(*GraphVector)
if !(*visited)[vector.index] {
G.dfs(vector, visited, cb)
p = p.Next()
// process vector
func (G *GraphAL) dfsWithCallback(current *GraphVector, visited *[]bool, cbVectorEarly func(*GraphVector), cbVectorLate func(*GraphVector)) {
vectorIndex := current.index
if (*visited)[vectorIndex] {
(*visited)[vectorIndex] = true
edges := G.vectors[vectorIndex].edges
p := edges.FrontNode()
for p != nil && p.Val() != nil {
vector := p.Val().(*GraphVector)
if !(*visited)[vector.index] {
G.dfsWithCallback(vector, visited, cbVectorEarly, cbVectorLate)
p = p.Next()
// process vector
func (G *GraphAL) Dfs(start *GraphVector, cb func(*GraphVector)) {
if G.size < 1 {
visited := make([]bool, len(G.vectors))
index := start.index
if index < 0 {
G.dfs(start, &visited, cb)
func (G *GraphAL) DfsWithCallback(start *GraphVector, cbVectorEarly func(a *GraphVector), cbVectorLate func(a *GraphVector), visited *[]bool) {
if visited == nil {
v := make([]bool, len(G.vectors))
visited = &v
index := start.index
if index < 0 {
G.dfsWithCallback(G.vectors[index], visited, cbVectorEarly, cbVectorLate)
func (G *GraphAL) DfsIterative(start *GraphVector) {
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
stack := []*GraphVector{start}
visited[start.index] = true
for len(stack) > 0 {
current := stack[len(stack)-1]
vector := current.edges.FrontNode()
for vector != nil && vector.Val() != nil {
vectorIndex := vector.Val().(*GraphVector).index
if !visited[vectorIndex] {
stack = append(stack, vector.Val().(*GraphVector))
visited[vectorIndex] = true
vector = G.vectors[vectorIndex].edges.FrontNode()
} else {
vector = vector.Next()
// the stack will perform like a recursive call
// process vector
stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
func ProcessEdges(start *GraphVector, end *GraphVector) {
fmt.Println(start, end)
func (G *GraphAL) BFS(start *GraphVector, cbEdges func(*GraphVector, *GraphVector) bool) {
if G.size < 1 {
queue := []*GraphVector{start}
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
for len(queue) > 0 {
vector := queue[0]
vectorI := vector.index
queue = queue[1:]
current := vector.edges.FrontNode()
visited[vectorI] = true
// process vector
for current != nil && current.Val() != nil {
currentI := current.Val().(*GraphVector).index
if !visited[currentI] && cbEdges(vector, current.Val().(*GraphVector)) {
queue = append(queue, current.Val().(*GraphVector))
visited[currentI] = true
current = current.Next()
func getOpositeColor(a colors) colors {
if a == WHITE {
return BLACK
return WHITE
func isValidColoring(a int, b int, colors *[]colors) (bool, error) {
if (*colors)[a] == (*colors)[b] {
return false, errors.New("SAME COLOR")
if (*colors)[b] == "" {
(*colors)[b] = getOpositeColor((*colors)[a])
return true, nil
func (G *GraphAL) IsBipartite() bool {
if G.size < 1 {
return true
bipartite := true
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
colors := make([]colors, G.size)
start := G.vectors[0]
for _, vector := range G.vectors {
if !visited[vector.index] && bipartite {
colors[vector.index] = WHITE // default if the vector has not been visited
G.BFS(start, func(a *GraphVector, b *GraphVector) bool {
visited[a.index] = true
visited[b.index] = true
if _, err := isValidColoring(a.index, b.index, &colors); err != nil {
bipartite = false
return true
return bipartite
func validParent(a *GraphVector, b *GraphVector, parent *[]*GraphVector) bool {
if (*parent)[b.index] == nil {
(*parent)[b.index] = a
return true
if (*parent)[a.index] == b {
return true
return false
func (G *GraphAL) TimesDfs() []time {
if G.size < 1 {
return nil
times := make([]time, G.size)
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
counter := 1
for _, vector := range G.vectors {
if !visited[vector.index] {
G.DfsWithCallback(vector, func(a *GraphVector) {
times[a.index].start = counter
}, func(a *GraphVector) {
times[a.index].end = counter
}, &visited)
return times
func (G *GraphAL) TimesDfsVectors() []*GraphVector {
if G.size < 1 {
return nil
vectors := []*GraphVector{}
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
for _, vector := range G.vectors {
if !visited[vector.index] {
G.DfsWithCallback(vector, func(_ *GraphVector) {
}, func(a *GraphVector) {
vectors = append(vectors, a)
}, &visited)
return vectors
func (G *GraphAL) HasCycle() bool {
if G.size < 1 {
return false
parent := make([]*GraphVector, G.size)
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
cycle := false
for _, vector := range G.vectors {
if !visited[vector.index] {
parent[vector.index] = vector
G.BFS(vector, func(gv1, gv2 *GraphVector) bool {
visited[gv1.index] = true
if !validParent(gv1, gv2, &parent) {
cycle = true
return true
return cycle
func (G *GraphAL) Size() int {
return G.size
func (G *GraphAL) GraphType(t GraphTypeInterface) {
G.graphType = t
func (G *GraphAL) Reverse() {
if G.graphType == nil {
// connected.go
package graphs
func (G *GraphAL) reverseEdges(a, b *GraphVector) {
G.Edge(b, a)
a.edges.PopFront() // remove the connection
func (G *GraphAL) validParent(parents [][]*GraphVector, a, b *GraphVector) bool {
for _, val := range parents[a.index] {
if val == b {
return false
return true
func (GD *GraphDirected) Reverse(G *GraphAL) {
if G.size < 1 {
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
parents := make([][]*GraphVector, G.size)
for _, vector := range G.vectors {
if !visited[vector.index] {
parents[vector.index] = append(parents[vector.index], vector)
G.BFS(vector, func(parent, currentV *GraphVector) bool {
if G.validParent(parents, parent, currentV) {
parents[currentV.index] = append(parents[currentV.index], parent) // we update the parent to not re-reverse
G.reverseEdges(parent, currentV)
return true
// to save some time we return true if the neighbor is invalid and we this we same time omiting that vector
return false
func (G *GraphAL) StronglyConnectedComponents() int {
postorderVectors := G.TimesDfsVectors()
counter := 0
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
for i := G.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
vector := postorderVectors[i]
if !visited[vector.index] {
G.dfsWithCallback(vector, &visited, func(gv *GraphVector) {}, func(gv *GraphVector) {
return counter
package graphs
import (
linkedList "goudemy/linkedList/lib"
type GraphVector struct {
val interface{}
key int
edges linkedList.SentinelList
index int
type GraphAL struct {
vectors []*GraphVector
size int
graphType GraphTypeInterface
type GraphAM struct {
edges [][]int
vectors []*GraphVector
size int
type GraphTypeInterface interface {
// new vector connected to a Vector, returns the new Vector
Edge(*GraphAL, *GraphVector, *GraphVector)
type GraphDirected struct {
type GraphInterface interface {
Size() int
Edge(*GraphVector, *GraphVector)
Dfs(*GraphVector, func(*GraphVector))
BFS(*GraphVector, func(*GraphVector, *GraphVector) bool)
IsBipartite() bool
TimesDfs() []time
HasCycle() bool
StronglyConnectedComponents() int
type Graph struct {
size int
GraphType GraphTypeInterface
func NewVector(key int, val interface{}) *GraphVector {
return &GraphVector{key: key, val: val}
func (G *Graph) Size() int {
return G.size