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Graphs - Dijkstra Algorithm - Golang


we need to get the path from vector a to vector b that ends up summing up the minimum from it’s edges

only for weighted directed graphs with positive weights

with adjacency list we need visited []bool weights []*Edge path []*Edge

  • start all the weights to be infinite, &Edge{vector: vector, weight: Inf}
  • first we set the weight of the “a” vector to be 0 because we know that we need 0 steps to get from a to a
  • then we need to get the min weight from the weights arr, in the first step we’ll get the “a” vector because it’s the only one with 0 and all of the others are inf we call this u
    • here we mark the resulting vector as `visited[vector] = true“, this is to be sure we don’t get in an infinite loop
  • we iterate until u != nil
    • add u to the path `path = append(path, u)
    • v := u.edges.front() will be equal to the first edge in u
      • iterate until `v != nil“
        • try to relax the edges and weights, this means, compare the u + edge weights with v weight, or if weights[v] > weights[u]+ edge.weight then update weights[v]= weights[u]+ edge.weight, this will help us in the next iteration
    • again we get the next min, in this case will be different because we updated the weights of the edges from u



func (G *GraphAL) EdgeWeighted(from *GraphVector, to *Edge) {

	if from == nil || to == nil {
	fromI := from.index
	toI := to.vector.index

	if fromI < 0 || toI < 0 {
	// already exist omit
	if exist := G.vectors[fromI].edges.Find(to); exist > -1 {



func (GW *GraphAL) extractMinimumWeight(visited *[]bool, weights *[]*Edge) *Edge {
	var min *Edge

	for _, edge := range *weights {
		if (min == nil || edge.weight < min.weight) && !(*visited)[edge.vector.index] {
			min = edge
	(*visited)[min.vector.index] = true
	return min

func (G *GraphAL) initWeightQueue() []*Edge {
	queue := make([]*Edge, G.size)
	for _, vector := range G.vectors {
		queue[vector.index] = &Edge{vector: vector, weight: int(^uint(0) >> 1)}
	return queue

func (GW *GraphAL) relax(weights *[]*Edge, u *GraphVector, v *Edge) {
	newWeight := (*weights)[u.index].weight + v.weight
	if (*weights)[v.vector.index].weight > newWeight {
		(*weights)[v.vector.index].weight = newWeight
		v.weight = newWeight

func (G *GraphAL) Dijkstra(a, b *GraphVector) []*Edge {
	weights := G.initWeightQueue()
	visited := make([]bool, G.size)
	path := []*Edge{}
	weights[a.index].weight = 0
	u := G.extractMinimumWeight(&visited, &weights)
	for u != nil {
		if u.vector.index == b.index {
			path = append(path, u)
		v := u.vector.edges.FrontNode()
		path = append(path, u)
		for v != nil && v.Val() != nil {
			G.relax(&weights, u.vector, v.Val().(*Edge))
			v = v.Next()
		u = G.extractMinimumWeight(&visited, &weights)

	return path