Minimum Spanning Trees (Prims)
minimumSpanningTrees (prims)
visited []bool
weights []heap
path []*Edge
the goal is to get a path with all of the edges / vectors that have the minimum weights, for example you can compare the weights with “money” we this algorithm could help us build the cheapest road (edges) that connects all of the vectors
- we need to initialize the data structures
- visited all start as false
- weights are all of the edges so we need the complete edge, {from: vector, to: vector.edges.front(), weight: inf}, we mark the weights to be equal to inf
- path will start with nil pointer
- after that we choose the starting vector and update
- visited[s] = true
- weights[s] = 0
type GraphVector struct {
val interface{}
key int
edges linkedList.SentinelList
index int
type EdgeWithSource struct {
to *GraphVector
from *GraphVector
weight int
* initialize all the data structures, visited to keep track of the visited vectors
* path to get a route from the children to the parent vector
* and a heap to choose the shortest / cheapest edge every time
func (G *GraphAL) initializePrims() ([]bool, []*EdgeWithSource, heap.Heap) {
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
var h heap.Heap = heap.NewHeap()
minH := heap.NewMinHeap()
start := G.vectors[0]
inf := int(^uint(0) >> 1)
for _, vector := range G.vectors {
weight := inf
if vector == start {
weight = 0
h.Insert(inf, &Edge{vector: vector, weight: weight})
path := make([]*EdgeWithSource, G.size)
visited[start.index] = true
path[start.index] = &EdgeWithSource{from: start, to: start, weight: 0}
return visited, path, h
* try to relax the edges
* search in the heap for the vector index and compares the vector
* weight with the edge weight or from -> to. and then updates the
* Edge and the heap
func relaxEdges(a *Edge, weights heap.Heap) bool {
if bi := weights.Find(func(hn *heap.HeapNode) bool {
return hn.Val().(*Edge).vector.index == a.vector.index && a.weight < hn.Key()
}); bi > -1 {
weights.Update(bi, a.weight, a)
return true
return false
func (G *GraphAL) MinSpanningTreePrim() []*EdgeWithSource {
visited, path, weights := G.initializePrims()
current := weights.RemoveTop()
for current != nil && current.Val() != nil {
currentV := current.Val().(*Edge)
visited[currentV.vector.index] = true
edge := currentV.vector.edges.FrontNode()
for edge != nil && edge.Val() != nil {
edgeVal := edge.Val().(*Edge)
if !visited[edgeVal.vector.index] {
if relaxEdges(edgeVal, weights) {
path[edgeVal.vector.index] = &EdgeWithSource{from: currentV.vector, to: edgeVal.vector, weight: edgeVal.weight}
edge = edge.Next()
current = weights.RemoveTop()
return path