topological sort and strongly connected components
topological sort
start *Vector path [] *Vector
- run on a directed acyclic graph
- run dfs
- we need a starting point
- we find the “sinks” vectors and add them to the path, this is the same of processing a vector
- return reversed path
func (GD *GraphDirected) TopologicalSort(G *GraphAL) []*GraphVector {
if G.size < 1 || G.HasCycle() {
return nil
path := []*GraphVector{}
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
for _, vector := range G.vectors {
G.dfsWithCallback(vector, &visited, func(gv *GraphVector) {}, func(gv *GraphVector) {
path = append([]*GraphVector{gv}, path...)
return path
componentslist [][]*Vector
- reverse the graph
- get the counter and store in a queue being the first element the one with the biggest count
- reverse
- run dfs in the queue order with the original graph
- append to the componentlist[counter] += vector, the current visited vector or the current component
- every time you finish with dfs increase the counter, this is to add a new component to the componentlist
func (G *GraphAL) StronglyConnectedComponentsList() [][]*GraphVector {
postorderVectors := G.TimesDfsVectors()
counter := 0
componentlist := [][]*GraphVector{}
visited := make([]bool, G.size)
for i := G.size - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
vector := postorderVectors[i]
if !visited[vector.index] {
componentlist = append(componentlist, []*GraphVector{})
G.dfsWithCallback(vector, &visited, func(gv *GraphVector) {}, func(gv *GraphVector) {
componentlist[counter] = append(componentlist[counter], gv)
return componentlist
we want to check before we reverse the edges if the vector is already present in the list of edges of the other vector, if true then we have a cycle between the vectors
func (G *GraphAL) interconnected(a, b *GraphVector) bool {
current := b.edges.FrontNode()
for current != nil && current.Val() != nil {
if current.Val().(*GraphVector) == a {
return true
current = current.Next()
return false